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Last Updated 2019-03-07T23:03:50Z

5+ Principles Of Business Ethics And His Approach Within The Company

5 + Principles of business ethics and his approach within the company - The application of the principles of business ethics in the conduct of business is a must and covers all aspects that exist in a company. In practice in the company, the business ethics principles will form the values, norms, and behaviors of workers, ranging from subordinates to superiors.

The application of business ethics within the company will build a fair and healthy relationships, whether between co-workers, shareholders, customers, and community. And it was supposed to all parties in the company making business ethics standard being one in the works.
5+ Principles Of Business Ethics And His Approach Within The Company
image source pexels.com

Principles of business ethics in the company

In economic theory, the business practices must have ethics. Then, what kind of ethical principles apply in business activities? The following are some principles of business ethics is:

1. The principle of Autonomy
This autonomy principle I relating to the attitude and ability of the individual in taking a satisfaction and appropriate action. In other words, a business person should be able to take good decisions and appropriate, and accountable decisions.

Businessmen can be said to have a principle of autonomy in the conduct of business if he has full consciousness will obligations in running the business. That is, an entrepreneur understood the scope of work undertaken, the situation encountered, as well as the demands and rules in force in that field.

Businessmen are also said to have a principle of autonomy when he realized that the decisions and actions taken are appropriate or contrary to a certain value or moral norms, as well as the risk that can happen for him and the company. Autonomous principle is not just to follow the prevailing norms and values, but also awareness within that which is done is a good thing.

2. The principle of Honesty
The principle of honesty should serve as an important basis in running any business. Most of the successful entrepreneurs, either modern or conventional entrepreneur businessman, confessed that honesty is one of the keys to success in any business.

The principle of honesty is very important to be made by entrepreneurs. Generally, a business that runs without give priority to the principle of honesty will not last long.

For entrepreneurs, honesty is linked to the quality and price of the goods offered on a consumer. In other words, selling high-quality products with reasonable price and is a form of honesty from a businessman to the consumer.

Honesty is very big impact in the process of doing business. Once a dishonest businessmen/deceive consumers, then this is the beginning of a slowdown even ruin a business. Moreover, in modern business like this now that the level of competition is very high.

3. The principle of Fairness
Fair use in this case means that all parties involved in the business have the right to equal treatment by the rules in force. So, then all parties concerned in business should contribute to the success of a business is run, either directly or indirectly.

By applying these principles well, then all the parties involved in a business relationship, both internal and external relations, will get the same treatment in accordance with their respective rights.

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4. The principle of mutual benefit
The principle of mutually beneficial business activity means that run give advantages for all parties. In contrast to the principle of Justice which demanded that all parties do not feel the loss of this mutual benefit principle, demanding rights in terms of profit business activity.

The principle of mutual benefit is primarily accommodate the nature and purpose of the business itself. In practice, this principle occurs in good business process where a businessman want profit and consumers want to get goods or services.

5. The principle of Loyalty
The principle of loyalty relates to the process of running a business conducted by the workers, good management, superiors, and subordinates. Loyalty can be seen from the way work and seriousness in doing business in accordance with its vision and mission.

In other words, the application of the principle of loyalty this means employers and the elements in it should not confuse personal problems with the job.

6. The principle of Moral Integrity
In running the business, businessmen must have good moral integrity principle. The goal is to keep the good name of the company and remains a trusted consumer companies. In practice, the application of this principle should be made by all parties, be it business owners, employees, and the management of the company.
5+ Principles Of Business Ethics And His Approach Within The Company
image source pexels.com

Approach To Business Ethics

In carrying out the principles of business ethics that have been mentioned above, the it takes approach. Some approaches to business ethics are:

1. Utilitarian Approach
On this approach, all actions taken must be based on an understanding of the consequences. That is, an entrepreneur should be able to provide new benefits to the community and costs as low as possible without endangering others.

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3. The Individual Rights Approach
On this approach, effect on a person's ability in appreciating each others actions. However, when an action is deemed to give rise to a split or contrary to the rights of the other party, then the action should be stopped/avoided.

4. Justice Approach
In this Act, all persons who are entitled to make decisions are in the same position, and act fairly in serving customers, both individuals and groups. Approach to business ethics this will benefit, both short term and long term.

So a brief explanation regarding the principles of business ethics and his approach in the company. May be useful.