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Blogging Tips and mistakes to avoid Beginner Bloggers

Blogging Tips and mistakes to avoid Beginner Bloggers - There is no right or wrong way to blogging. Blogging is fun because it is not considered serious in nature. We can always go back and edit what we write, and usually posts older than a week is quickly forgotten.

But having a blog can give a lot of advantages. You can use the blog as a place to transmit ideas and thoughts. There are also people who do blogging with the intention of sharing the journey and life lessons with others.

Before getting into the blogging tips for newbie bloggers, it's good You know why You need to build your blog.
  • Blogging is quickly becoming the way of communication and disseminating information and news. There are countless online blog but don't be afraid, you can make your blog stand out and look.
  • So blogging was a way to express themselves and also the means to share the info with others.
  • You become a better writer.
  • The most seductive reason is you can earn money from blogging.
Blogging Tips and mistakes to avoid Beginner Bloggers
image source pixabay.com

Tips About Blogging For Beginners

By having your own blog, you have more control, creativity, and flexibility when compared to other forms of social media. The following tips are only suggestions as to induce mild sent your thoughts. There is no right or wrong here.

Write what you like

What is the content of your blog? About cooking? Parenting? Crafts? Whatever the contents, make sure it is that you like. Maintaining a blog is a hard work. Don't start it when you don't like to write a couple of days in a week. If you don't have passion on the topic you choose, there is not much that you can offer to your readers and they will soon go from your blog.

The blog is about ideas that are correspond with you. So just think where your passion. One thing that should be avoided is stuck in the giveaway as an effort to gain readers. There are some great bloggers who declined because quality obsessed held a giveaway.

It's fun once in a while is hosting the giveaway. Unless you are indeed dedicated to do this, this is not the main way that makes readers coming at you. Read also 4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors.

They come because your content. You want is readers who love to read what you write, not the readers who sign up to enter the giveaway you hold. This is not the right way to build an audience.

So different from the others

Whatever you choose as a blog topic, there may be many other bloggers have the same topic as you are. So think of ways to let your blog different from others. If your blog is about making crafts for example, see if you can get an idea that does not do most other bloggers. For example you could create a blog crafts for boys. This is a pretty smart idea since most crafts is devoted to girls.

See other blogs that have the same genre with you and change a little bit yours. If you blog about cooking, you can hold a reader submission monthly, where readers send recipes. You practice the recipes, chose the winner, and give gifts. Fun heard, especially if no one has done this. Perhaps a major part of your blog is just like any other, but see what you can do with something different.

Write As When You Talk

People love reading the blog author personality radiates in the written words. Readers feel like they're right in front of you and share their thoughts. Posting so much more interesting and easy to read. Let your personality shine. Let the reader build a connection with You when they read your content.

Create a blog that is casual, people will be more like it. But this does not mean You use words that aren't worthy, just so your self with a good way.

If you do not remember the difference meaning of certain words or hard to organize your ideas, we recommend that you delay used to write a blog. The reader can know the use of comma punctuation wrong or error of some sort, but not for the use of the word.

Great content So the key

Write your own content that you would like to read it. You can't make everyone happy. But do attempt to be more creative. For example, you make a posting about a good game ideas for children. People open your content and games that you suggest it was okay. There have been many who discuss it. Make your blog stand out with great content, creative, helpful, and inspiring.

Photography Skills

If you want to blog continues to grow, your photography skills need to be improved, unless you're already so a professional photographer. Good photography will be very useful for your blog. You want your readers share your content. When the content is very good but the picture is ugly, they will still share it. But readers will share at any time fold when you have interesting photos.

For example about the recipe. The best recipes could have the worst picture and worst some recipes can have the best picture. But you certainly know which people select and share. There are many photography books out there, online tutorials, and classes that you can take. You can also do a search and find Pinterest nice that people like. When your image looks professional, your blog will also be impressed.
Blogging Tips and mistakes to avoid Beginner Bloggers
image source pixabay.com

The Common mistakes Novice Blogger

Here are some tips for avoiding common mistakes novice bloggers do:

Don't Know Your Audience

One of the most common mistakes that bloggers do is they do not know who the target audience. They create content about a lot of things without realizing whether readers want to read it.

Before beginning to write, you have to have a clear picture of who you are targeting. After that, you need to do some research about what it wants to be read by Your target audience.


Many new bloggers start with a excited but over time they became were strongly inconsistent, often not blogging, not close to the reader, or writing an article blindly.

Consider the number of bloggers and content that are attacking us every day, it could be that were strongly inconsistent became fatal mistake a blogger. Readers will forget about you quickly and you will lose all Your traffic sources.

Before you start blogging, try to organize tasks in a way that is realistic so that you always know what to do. Create a monthly editorial calendar to the blog post and write as much as possible. After publishing a post, make sure you have the time to promote it.

Search Engine Optimization

When talking about SEO, there are two groups of different bloggers, who write just for the sake of search engines, or did not consider the search engines altogether. For the first group, write only to enter the ranking could make even post unreadable. Use the keywords does not make you go that far in SEO.

Conversely, there are those who really do not consider SEO when creating content, either because it is too complicated or they don't realize the need for SEO strategy. You can make SEO easy even as a beginner, with plugins like SEO Yoast that tells you exactly what you need to do to improve your blog post.

Not About You

Either as individuals or companies, many bloggers make mistakes with too much talk about yourself. For individual cases, nobody is very concerned about you or your life, they want is information that you promised. They are looking for is the value of your content, not what you're doing lately or how bad the pain You suffer. But this does not mean you should not inject personal things in your writing, or stories about yourself, it's just that you shouldn't overdo it do so.

In business blogs, many of which often talk only about themselves, their products, why do people have to use their products, and what makes their product very well. This doesn't make people want to read your blog. Anyway most of them do not believe in you or your opinions if you did only talk about what makes your products look good.

Do not have a strong Niche

One big mistake that made blogger is to be everything for everyone. The more clear and defined mission of your blogging, then you develop a niche focus and value.

For example, if a blogger about the banking interest in lead generation for small business loans, she did not need to waste time and energy trying to write about the mortgage market. But he needs to focus energy on the niche and topic of interest in lending to small businesses. It's meant for a wealth of topics that are more specific and more interesting as well as informative for smaller groups of people.

Covers Too Many Topics

Another mistake committed bloggers are covering too many topics. Many bloggers like to perform for the audience as much as possible so they write about many topics. The problem is the scope of the blog could be lost and may not appeal to a broader audience. 

Defines some of the key areas that blog post will cover could well sharpen and focus the content knowledge and skills of the blogger. Read also The Easy Way to Get a Good Idea for Writing Blog Content.

Not committed to the process of

Many people are getting into the blogging world thinks will receive his immediate impact to their business. Search engine visibility and traffic will increase, and they receive a lot of money. But unlike pay per click advertising, building a blog that builds your business takes time and effort. Try to plan to write 2 or 3 post per week for 6 months to get the expected results, or more if they are in a competitive industry.

This means more than just writing, you also need to write a post that is keyword rich with persuasive way, interesting titles that will read, made into a link, and distributed to social media.

The Structure Of The Blog Postings

How You craft a blog post can have a huge impact on the success of the blog. When a blog post well structured, this helps in terms of SEO and also makes post easier to read. Please include the image features, and add more pictures in the post. Sub headline also helps a lot, both for SEO and readability. Two of these simple tips can make a huge difference in the readability of your blog post.

Focus on Quality rather than on Quantity

Many bloggers focus on quantity rather than quality and this is a big mistake. There is a theory that States you need blogging several times a week to make the blog always looks fresh, both from the perspective of human consumption and also from the perspective of search engines.

It takes time to research, write, and edit a blog post which is nice and deep. Unless you are a large company with a team of professional writers, there is not enough hours in the day to do this well, so many blogs appear with substandard material.

Bad writing

The purpose of the same bloggers with other writers, to obtain and retain readers. A growing number of readers, the better. But there is one way that makes regular and potential readers go, that is a bad piece of writing.

With easy access to create the current blog, the importance of the good writing in issue have many missing. Indeed often found error format, spelling, and grammar in the blog post and articles published online.

Not only does this make the mistake of posting difficult and uncomfortable to read, but also makes the point difficult to read by, and finally make the reader consider bloggers are not professional. Good writing is certainly more than just a sentence structure is correct and has been checked. 

Good writing has a core and can be accessed, in other words easy to read and understand. Use spell check, take the time to research ideas, facts, and concepts that you're not sure, and most importantly read back the writings before publication.

The Ugly Headlines
A bad headline can cause a bad traffic. The title so the interesting part of the reader to the content, so it should attract attention. Usual new bloggers is they don't give clarity about the contents of the postings, or they too strive to so intelligent or funny, unfortunately this does not work.

The more specific you are about the subject, written, it would be better. This not only gives the reader more information about how Your posts are valuable to them, but also increase the likelihood of ranking post in the search engines because of less competition for the term you use.

As much as possible create headlines that short, but still descriptive. Don't use 10 words when you can say it in 7 words. Google limits the title up to 70 characters so you should always make the title below this amount.

Edits are less well

On many blogs, whether new or old, you can know if the content is not edited at all, in fact it looks like it was published soon after it was written. Blog post the unedited or edited with any language, sentence structure problems of ineffective, unnecessary use of the word, and so on, creating a bad reading experience and communicate if you don't pay attention to the It detailed.

Everyone makes mistakes, and bloggers are not apart from it. What do you think is the biggest mistake and so most commonly committed bloggers? And mistakes what you do as a blogger? Hopefully the above blogging tips on useful.