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Last Updated 2019-07-20T07:02:28Z

Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?

Can the article without Backlink Bring Many Visitor organic? - Can the article without Backlink Bring Many Visitor organic? questions like this a lot I found on some online forums and also social media group, even still questioned included by me personally,
organic means talk about visitor visitor or visitors coming from search engines (especially Google), it cannot be denied that until recently most affect a blog articles are second in the best position can search results, one of which is the role of the backlink, backlink as does a vote that gave a point to articles so the presence of a backlink would be able to make the article appear better in google search results (SERP).

But did you know that apparently the article without a backlink is able to bring a lot of visitors?, even get to thousands more, maybe it's the influence of the development of the search engine the more user-oriented.

Please note that for current search engine optimization seo factors involved besides the on-page and off-page seo optimization as well, it turns out that search engines are also very engaging user factors to rank the blogs or websites in the search results.

For an experienced blogger, this may not be a foreign thing because they might have been already prove it, but for me personally who have not much experience in the world of blogging and still have much to learn it at least needs to be demonstrated, and the statement above I support with personal experience, it's been almost a year I have deliberately never again build backlinks to your home page or to any article that I created on my blog, and it turns out that the results are truly beyond allegations, most the article was able to bring a lot of visitors, even some organic articles were able to bring in thousands of visitors but never completely powered by backlinks at all.
Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?
image source pexels.com

User factors that affect the popularity of your blog article in the eyes of the search engines

Although google specifically never are palpable mentions how they do the position assessment of a site in search results, but based on information from the seo experts, some of the following contribute once in give influence on the popularity and number of visitor of your article in the search results regardless of the number of backlinks that are owned by the article or blog:

a. Page View article (more page view that belongs to an article then the article will be able to crawl to the best position), the number of visitors that many have the potential to improve page view every article.

b. Dwell Time (the time a visitor spent against an article until he returns to the search results), the longer the time spent visitors google will assess the quality of the article. An article written by wordstream And shewan, sets forth that the dwell time is one of the essential elements that involve the users of your blog that can affect the ranking of your blog generated search.

One way to let visitors to your blog can linger for your article, then you should seek to make articles that are really high quality. Read Related 4 Strategies to Compete With Top-Tier to Increase Blog Traffic.

c. Serp CTR (click-rate against the article title in the search results) serp ctr must be supported by the dwell time, the more often people click the title in the search results and the more lingering visitors spend time for that article then this will give a signal or a hint to the search engines that the article deserves to get the best position in the search results.

In an article written by moz Dr. Peter j. Meyers, sets forth that the SERP CTR and the dwell time is the 2 elements of many factors that involve users who are able to affect the SEO value of your blog.

You can view information of the serp ctr in google webmaster tools, and you can analyze each article so you will be able to present a better article:
  1. Please login in google webmaster tools
  2. Enter the menu of search traffic > search analitics
You'll see information impressions (the number of the title in question appears in the search results), clicks (the number of the title-click on search results), the ctr (the percentage comparison between impression and click (click/impressions x 100%) and avg. average position (position title the article generated searches,

If the percentage of ctr is high while the avg value. position between 5 s/d 10 it could give instructions to search engines that the article was simply deserve to get the best position in the search results, chances are your articles will continue to crawl google's no. 1 position.

d. Bouncerate (time spent visitors to browse the blog page) the smaller the bouncerate of it the better, indicating that the article presented.

Bouncerate one factor that into the debate in determining the popularity of a blog in the search, some hsil agree that high bounce rate can lower the ranking of sites generated searches, but others including matt cut a few years then never mention that the bounce rate is not a ranking signal, but somehow until when, just maybe in a near future bounce rate could be one ranking signal.

e. Google Chrome bookmarks

The one that google uses to record the activity of users is google chrome, Brian dean site owner backlinko mentions that one of the 200 + google ranking factors can give signals or instructions to search engines that can be affect the ranking of a blog page is a user to bookmark the article.

Then how can I make an article without a backlink can bring in many visitors?
Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?
image source pexels.com

Tips for creating content that can increase organic visitor to your blog

Based on the analysis, experiments and experiences that are supported using the optimization onpage seo, teryata some of the following to increase the visitors of your blog article without involving a backlink in the least

1. Create titles that have a high SERP CTR

What is serp CTR, SERP (Search enggine result page) CTR (Click Throught Rate) is a calculation of the number of comparisons against the number of clicks that a title found generated search.

For example, for a particular keyword, the title of your blog is able to search as many as 100 generated appears, and it turns out that the number of clicks made by the user against the title of the article of your blog in the search results is 10, then the SERP CTR for your article is 10/100 x 100% = 10%, the higher the value of the CTR, owned by your blog article then it would be getting better in the eyes of the search engines.

Did you know that the SERP CTR is one of the factors that can increase your article authority in the eyes of the search engines but must be supported by a truly content quality.

When the title of your blog article successfully clicked by users of the internet and they become your blog visitors later find that article you discuss quality then gradually popularity and rank your articles generated search will increasingly either.

#Trick create titles that have a High SERP CTR?

There is a statement from the seo experts that an interesting title will be able to increase the CTR (click trought rate) the article in question, and this is indeed true, you should be able to present a unique and intriguing titles make curious visitors of your blog. Some tips to make your title with serp ctr is high:

a. Involve numbers such as 7 5 way tips etc.
b. Involve words that made curious visitors, e.g. best, fastest, easiest powerful tips etc.
c. Create a slightly different title with similar titles have been published by your competitors, to make the title of at least one of you have to do is check the generated title search, then make the title a bit interesting but still relevant (you are targeting that title will be able to lure the attention of visitors)

For example, you want to make the article headlines with "how to create a blog", after you check in the search results turned out to be an awful lot of exactly the same title with the title, so your title compelling invisible you could add elements of title that can be However, different users with fishing titles you already but still relevant, e.g. "how to create a blog with 5 practical steps" etc.

2. Create quality content

One thing not to forget you are never ever make a random article, though you flood the article with a backlink, and your article was originally able to be placed first, the article will gradually will slump, I believe the more the day of google's search engine technology is increasingly using the approach of human thought patterns (user oriented).

Although initially a blog article you were able to capture the organic visitors but if your article is less informative and does not contain the information required by your visitors, your article will gradually degenerate.

There will be many articles your competitors in the search results of google, and it could be that the visitor not only visiting your articles only, when visitors visit your article and felt satisfied with what you serve without they visit other articles in google search results, then this is a plush value which was able to increase the reputation of your article your article in the search results, and google know that your article is really informative as well as able to provide the information that satisfactory against visitors blog you.
Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?
image source pexels.com
#Here are a few things you can make reference to measure how your content quality in the eyes of the search engines:

a. Whether your content could be the solution to every problem that visitors searched?

To create content like this you should be able to identify any problems target your blog visitors, then present the solution in article your blog.

This could be a process that you should prepare before you create an article, once you've pocketed the title for the article that you will create, then you must be aware of any problems that represent the title. so you can discuss it in your article. articles like this will be able to satisfy the visitors of your blog.

Please find additional information on some of the forums frequently asked questions, like yahoo answer, quora, or in the comments of blogs with a relevant title, find the questions ask by users there and serve in considering articles blog that you will create.

b. The Dwell Time is good

Dwell time (how long your blog visitors to spend time reading your articles until they return to the search results), this is one of google's ranking factors associated with dwell time (the time it takes the visitor when visit your article) the more lingering it could give a signal to search engines that your article is very informative and fun).

c. How long your article?

Long article would certainly be able to present information that really has the potential and the details are rich with LSI Keyword (you should present a long article but very informative and not just length).

There are some bloggers who say that a long article he thinks very tedious, it does not mean every short article was fun, if a long article that you serve can represent all of the desired visitors I guess it would be better and of course a chance to improve the bouncerate and dwell time of your blog when compared to short articles.

d. is there boorkmark your article?

Google is able to detect bookmark conducted by google chrome browser, if there are so many visitors who visited your blog do bookmark against your article, it could give a signal to search engines that your article quality.

e. Article you should be able to be the only article that can satisfy visitors

I'm sure the title we make will generally have lots of competitors, maybe even the same title but of course with the discussion and presentation of the different articles.

When internet users conduct a search using the google search engine then there will be an awful lot of rival for your article, with similar titles may even be with the exact same title, when the article you managed to visit then visitors read your article and he was satisfied with the articles that you serve, and the article is capable of making the visitors not to visit other similar articles they find generated google search, then it gives a signal to search engines that article you highly qualified.

To make this kind of article is certainly not easy, you have to be able to identify any problems that is owned by any visitor of your blog for the relevant titles.then you describe and serve the solution are clear on the article and detail.
Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?
image source pexels.com

A good On-page SEO optimization

At least you should involve a good on-page seo optimization, for both articles that you create or to blog template you use.

It could be just your blog article is very high quality and really badly needed by your blog visitors, but don't forget as much as possible you must involve the optimization on-page seo for your blog article, so that you have a blog article the opportunity to appear on page one of google.

The Quantity Update Articles

There are two in 2008 to bring more visitors to your blog, the first is to build quality backlinks and the second is to check periodically to update the article.

Building backlinks does require time, effort and could not be done in vain, of course it will be difficult once let alone the potential for building backlinks is wrong will be detrimental to the blog, not the popularity of the blog will we get but it could be penalty from google.

If you have trouble building backlinks alternatives to increase visitors to your blog was to publish an article continuously and regularly.
Can The Article Without Backlink Bring Many Visitor Organic?
image source pexels.com

# Conclusion

You need to know that to bring in lots of organic visitors to your blog, your article does not have to be appears in google, no 1 can simply be on page 1 (page one) google is enough to have the potential of your blog to receive visitors, every time a user feel intrigued by the title you created then the article will be able to bring a lot of visitors to your blog.

The highest point is owned by a blog is content contained in the article, presenting good content will be able to increase the trust of visitors to your blog so get increases the personal branding and also site branding blog you, not only that, a good article and rendering managed to seriously be able to increase search engine authority against your blog, so that the potential of your blog into one of the popular blog you can get.

Make a quality article, learn seo, and do not be artisan copy paste. Such a simple article about Can Bring a lot of Backlinks article without Visitor organic? may be useful for you. happy blogging:)