
Minggu, 23 Desember 2018, Desember 23, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-07T00:03:37Z

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website - If you do not know what it branded traffic, here is a simple explanation: have you enter your own name in search engines such a Google?

Most of you may have already tried it and for those of you who haven't, maybe this time You're a try too!

What makes someone do it? For us, this phenomenon exists because of the curiosity that arise will be what things related to question us on the internet, our branding. For example people or a persona as a brand. This also applies on a brand of product or service that is being built by a website. It's called Branded Traffic, or Branded Organic Traffic.

What is a Co-branded Traffic?

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website
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Branded traffic is unlimited searches on search results itself or on a SERP, but also when a seeker directly go to the link he headed IE specific brand website.

Boost branded traffic is becoming important because a lot of things. Here, we will provide a list of benefits which shows how important it is for you to improve Your traffic branded!

The Importance Of Branded Traffic

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website
image source pexels.com
Why you need to increase your branded traffic? Here's why:

  • Branded traffic which showed a group of people who already know your site or blog, looking for you, who want to know Your problem. Think of them as your friends. The visitor or this search later may provide benefit for your interests. They could just be the buyer or tenant services. Or when your blog in the form of a personal website, they could be a loyal reader content or post that You share.
  • If you're seeking an Search Engine Optimization or commonly abbreviated as SEO, then you will realize that brand keyword has a CTR (Click Through Rate) is high.
  • Google will always give you the added advantage of branded keyword You can, so you need to get ready for a good ranking on the first page of the SERP. Isn't this as you want as long as it as the provider of the website? To increase traffic on your website?
  • If you already have a conversion setup on your website, then you will find the fact that brand keyword you generate much larger when compared to non-brand keywords. If not the fact that you can, then you need to review the site's navigation and information architecture you.
  • Brand traffic this was the digital version of the brand value or branding Your success on the internet.
Branded Keyword Definition

For the SEM or SEO, keyword is a word or phrase is typed by the user from the search engines sort of Google to find what they want to know.

Branded keywords are the words and phrases in the search results of search engines that contain the name of the brand or variations of the name brand.

For example, the branded keyword to "company A" as below:

  • Company A
  • CompanyA
  • CompanyA.com

Then, his brand keyword variations can be long tail keyword like this:

  • Company Information With
  • A Company Review
  • A Company Career

Associated with which we have mentioned earlier in the section definition brand traffic, branded keywords used by searchers who already know or have heard of your brand or your business. They want to know more a matter of your brand or your company.

How To Measure Branded Traffic

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website
image source pexels.com
Before increasing Your traffic branded, of course You need to know in advance how large has branded your traffic and review what are the factors that took. Then, how? It's easy! Use the help of Google Analytics. Read also : SEO Tip: Google SERP Snippet To Increase Website Traffic.

  • Understand The Basics Of Branding

This time, we will give you the basics of branding that are more common to help you understand what actually is branding itself the fundamental factors and what he took.

  • Branding does indeed become the most important aspect of managing a business 

Whether you are doing business with such small-scale SMES or do business with such a large scale corporates? All of the business people need do the right branding so that your business success.

A brand is a promise should you offer to people or prospective customer. Branding is what makes them have certain expectations will be your business and this is also the cause of differentiation of your business offerings.

This arises from the brand You own as his decisive. How do you want to build it in a visionary? Like what You want to be seen by the customer? All of you who initiated.

How determined is based mainly from Your niche market. How do the characteristics of the target market you want? Try to review it carefully. When it is, review with more carefully again.

The Foundation of the entire digital branding Your logo is your business. How your website is displayed, how the packaging of Your products, as well as all forms of promotional materials in circulation. You should be able to integrate all of them so that the full capacity of the company to communicating your brand.

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To manage Your branding, of course you need a consistent strategy so that there is a strong brand equity. A strong brand equity in terms of the overall results of your strategy that is able to crank up the additional value of product or service that your company has to offer to the customer, when compared with similar companies or competitors of bran.

What is an example of a successful brand equity? Remember The Coca Cola? Among similar soda, why to mention soda occurs directly with the mention of the name Coca Cola though products supplied by the seller instead of the Coca Cola brand? This happens for sure because of the Coca Cola Company branding strategy successfully. They even were able to raise prices above their products and people still can't shift from consumption of the Coca Cola Company. Essentially, they do is perform branding continuously from time to time.

In addition, the question of added value or the previous one we call the additional value of yesteryear, often in the form of a product or service quality perceived by the customer and also there is an emotional attachment. Take for example the Nike brand. Nike is often associated with a variety of well-known athletes. Through this strategy, Nike is trying to build an emotional bond with its customers. They built it by making such athletes as the face of their brand in a variety of advertising and event.

  • Defining Your Brand

How do you define your brand can be represented as looking for identity, in this case the search for identity of your company. Then in doing so you will surely find a great many challenges. Then the search is also certainly seize your time and attention. So You need to be prepared not only financially but also psychologically.

At least, there are several questions you need to answer the mandatory in defining your brand. Here are some of the questions:

  1. What is the vision and mission of your company?
  2. What are the advantages to be had by using your company's product or service?
  3. What the customer or prospect you think matter your brand?
  4. The quality of the brand as what you want to appear as the perception of the customers?

Moreover, you can do your own research. Study the needs, behaviors, and desires of your target market or for those customers that already exists. Do not assume when you already have customers, ask immediately how their opinions. You have to really know what they think.

Things that we pass this also shows that developing Your branding strategy is a very complex thing. Try to consider using the services of experts or expert in the field of branding management. You may need to also hire a service agency in order for Your branding well managed.

Then, after you have successfully defined the brand and specify Your branding strategy, how do other brand You are known by the people. Here we give you some simple ways that have been tested can increase your brand:

  • Make a logo to brand your company. Create a logo that best can represent your brand. Put this logo on the entire communication media or publications that the company you use.
  • Write down Your brand messages clearly and it stuck. What are the key message conveyed by the want to brand You to people? Every employee of the business you must understand each attribute and the brand message delivered by your company.
  • Seamlessly integrate your brand across all aspects of the company. Branding is a definite effect on every aspect of your business. In fact, how do you talk to customers on the phone or e-mail signature is also included. How does your company's uniform? All things until things are least can represent or describe the problem your brand.
  • Try making the "voice" that can reflect your brand. This voice should be applied to the rest of Your brand communication material both written and visual, both online and offline. Whether your brand is an environmentally friendly brand aka go-green? Or brand you have passion towards things that are socially? How does Your brand sound?
  • Develop your company tagline. Make the tagline is short, easy to remember, and it has meaning. This tagline must be capable of demonstrating the essence of your brand.
  • Create design templates and standard brand for Your marketing materials. Use theme colors, appearance, feel, and logos consistently. Your brand need not always looks beautiful, the most important is consistency. This can build trust customer.
  • Be what you recommend as your brand. Customers will switch from your brand if you can never deliver the promises that you offer to Your customer.
  • Consistent. Indeed many consistent once mentioned in this article. It needs to be consistent. When you are not consistent in doing Your branding, all your efforts are futile.

Boost Branded Traffic In On-Page

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website
image source pexels.com
About how to increase traffic are branded On-Page, every page on your website should be optimized to fit SEO best practice in Indonesia. Instill this in your thinking, practice always to use a branded design that is consistent and clear, including giving branded message on each page or Your content. This can be either the alteration in the title, heading tags, logos, colors and layout of the content of the post itself. So, give more attention to these aspects because you need to balance SEO, CTR and branding you!

Increase In Traffic Of Branded Off-Page

How To Increase Visitor Traffic Branded Your Business Website
image source pexels.com
After discussing how the increased traffic are branded On-Page, we suggest that you also read the Off-Page strategies that we'll give here! Below, we provide lists of important you can combine your own to achieve campaign success.

  • Create Ads

Create an ad banner is the most scalable and influential to inform on those reserved to the popularity of a website or your website. We strongly advise you to make it, especially when you want to release a product or service offerings. The most crucial thing to note is that once again, consistency will be entirely to make it a more interactive at once attractive.

  • Search Branding Campaign

It is important for you to manage your paid search campaign with a focus and brand awareness is high. This includes carefully selecting keyword-keyword search for any network and any website related to the content network. Purpose is to make the target keyword falls on the research phase. This is also done to maximize the good impressions of the users searching your brand in search engines.

  • The Campaign Social Media

You do need a consistent management against Your social media. Currently nearly all internet users use social media, so it is important for you to manage Your brand social media. Post regularly, create quality content at the same time interesting. Campaigns in social media You should be also customized with your branding and theme channel-channel that is no more.

  • Link Building

This is related to attract traffic to your website. The reason for such search engines Google, links that you wake up on your website is the connector between the page that shows how powerful Your domain authority. This is also one of the determining factors of Google rank where your website will be determined his fate whether being on the first page of Google search results or not.

  • Reviews Online

Make sure you give the customer a place for you to give commentaries on them, their inputs regarding the product or service your company is offering. This is in addition to strengthening the engangement, also can increase Your traffic is effectively branded. For example, when someone found a lot of good reviews will your product or service, it will tend to trust you as a manufacturer.

  • Blogging

Try to manage your relationship with the blogger other influencer and invite them to make a review of your product or service, or directly refer your website on the followers or their loyal readers. Instead, you also need to give a reciprocal well on their relationship in order to stay awake for the sake of mutual benefit.

  • Sponsorship

Sponsorship is a great way to perform the function of Public Relation (PR) that will create positive publicity and warm image of your company for the layman. Sponsorship both from the website and mobile application can associate the brand with specific content that fishing branded traffic and backlinks.

Integrate your Online and Offline Branding

Both, good branding that you do online or branding you do offline, need to be executed with a strategy that is able to integrate it. Just think about this seriously, the integration of both types of branding should be followed by the delivery of consistent messages through any media.

Read Also: The Importance Of Search Engine Marketing.

Later, more target away is how you harmonize media-media that has already targeted with any device. For example, the QR code on the paper brochure you share, directed at deals or promo specials in particular landing page. So, once again, integrate your online and offline branding branding You, either desktop or mobile too.


How to improve your article through a co-branded Traffic, we have given a fairly complete guide for your reserved branded traffic. We begin by showing how important improves branded traffic.

Then we switched to the explanation that there are many factors that affect branded traffic and how to measure branded your traffic. Until at last we give these tips increase in branded traffic both On-Page or Off-Page on you. Hopefully this article helps Yes, good luck!