
Senin, 03 Desember 2018, Desember 03, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-07T00:03:37Z

Improve Your SEO With AMP

Improve your SEO with AMP - For those of you who follow the news of SEO, you certainly know that Google is now entering the mobile-friendliness as one of the criteria or factors in determining the ranking of your website. In addition to introducing the Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Google also introduced Accelerated Mobile Pages or better known by the name of AMP.

In this article, we will discuss about what is the AMP, how it works, what the benefits are, and the various plugins to the WordPress website.
Improve Your SEO With AMP
image source pexels.com

What is AMP?

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Page. Introduced in the year 2016, AMP is an open-source program from Google that is made with the intention of providing mobile internet that is faster and better. The purpose of establishing Web page version of this page is to provide a website that has been optimized so that loading faster on the mobile. This page has a faster loading time compared to a regular Web page. Why can it be so?

Basically, the AMP is an HTML page that is designed to be lighter than the regular website and page loading times could be quicker. To achieve this, there are a few HTML tags that You can not use. Not only that, you also need to use CSS more efficient. Indeed you can use most of the CSS code but certainly not damning the code that you can use. JavaScript is also not recommended for use on the AMP. If you want to use JavaScript, you need to utilize the JavaScript library that gives you a wide choice of code that you can use on the AMP website page.

So, the entire page is specially designed so that indeed the AMP can be read quickly. The image will not be loaded until you scroll down to the part of the image. In addition to this type of website is also designed to be cached so that Google can host these pages, host your content directly to Google, so they do not need to fetch the content of postings to your website.

The Workings Of The AMP

Perhaps any of you are curious about how it works. AMP render your page using HTML code which is already optimized. These pages are expected to be loading more quickly because the tag of HTML code that are considered to be able to slow down the loading process is already eliminated. If your pages use code-JavaScript code is not recommended for use, then it will not be dirender for scriptnya page Your AMP.

There are a few things you should pay attention so that Your AMP can run well. The two already mentioned previously is make sure that you use an efficient CSS and JavaScript code that is in the library of JavaScript that is indeed devoted to the AMP. In addition, in order for the AMP website is working, you need to validate his AMP properly.

If you need a form on your page, you can not put it into the AMP page because the form is not allowed. In addition, if you use custom fonts, they should be in loading in special. For those of you that want to include video, you need to use extensions that can indeed be used for the AMP. For images, you need to make sure the image dimensions are correct so they don't look strange when loading the AMP in the page.

So, when you integrate the plugin and use it to increase the speed of Your mobile page, which is important for you is the speed and how easy it is to read pages in mobile devices. If you think about social share and so on, you will not get it on AMP. Social share button You might not be displayed properly, because most of them were developed using JavaScript.
Improve Your SEO With AMP
image source pexels.com

How Does The AMP Affects The Search Results?

There may be from your confused as to how this actually affect SERP (Search Engine Result Page or search results page)?

For now, it looks to me like the AMP is only specific to mobile. The name alone is indeed Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP has its own look like a carousel, especially for articles that are news because the AMP is made with the purpose to improve the user experience in reading the article search results. If you are using mobile and saw no sign of lightning, try opening because it indicates that the page has been optimized for mobile devices. Definitely quick and loading you can swipe left or right to read more articles.

So with the Accelerated Mobile Pages, you will get search results that are more easily accessible and can be read quickly. Read also : The Importance Of Search Engine Marketing.

The Advantage Of Using The AMP

You definitely know that there is a significant relationship between the speed of the website, page views, and search engine ranking. So, if your website quick loading most likely people will continue looking around the other pages on your website. That way, you also reduce the bounce rate. If Your bounce rate is low, Google will add a point to the page of your website. That way, you can get a higher ranking in the search results page or search engine result page (SERP).

Actually, there are many advantages that you can get by using the AMP. Here are the 5 main advantages if you decide to use the AMP:

A faster loading time. 
Who does not like it when the visited website loading fast? As it has often been discussed, website speed is a significant factor in SEO. Good content is certainly important but if your pages difficult accessible, people also will not want to read it. According to a study, delay for 1 second on a mobile browser can reduce your conversion rate of 3.50%, reduce page views of 9.40%, and increases the bounce rate up to 8.30%.

This is why you need to make sure that the page is loading your mobile browser with quick time. AMP can help you to achieve it. Remember that in the present era, people have different ways in consuming content. There's been a lot of new content being published every day. If Your mobile pages take a long time for loading, then most likely you will lose Your target audience and the opportunity to turn them into a customer.

Read also : SEM and SEO: The Difference and Its Benefits.

Improve your SEO ranking. 
Although AMP is not a factor in the ranking, but because AMP improve loading time and mobile friendliness, then SEO ranking will also increase. So the website using the AMP will surely get more points from Google than a slow website and not responsive.

Higher visibility. 
Google search results that have marked the AMP. Usually they also appear at the top of the search results. That way, the article and your website will get higher visibility. In addition, as already mentioned earlier, the SERP Google also featured content carousel format and AMP in a big enough picture. This will certainly attract the attention of users and content that appear on the carousel it will get high traffic.

AMP support Ads. AMP also supports ads. 
The goal is to display the ads that loading is fast and has good content and attract the attention of the user. This course will assist advertiser to increase their influence and increase ROI.

Visitor analytics for AMP. 
Now, all website owners certainly wanted to keep track of website visitor behavior. You don't need to worry because the AMP also supports this. You can choose one of the two tags that are provided. This tag works to track website visitor data such as number of visitors, conversion, tracking the video and links, and much more.
Improve Your SEO With AMP
image source pexels.com

3 AMP Plugin for WordPress Website

To make the AMP itself, you can build AMPS from scratch using coding. But, if you have a WordPress website, you can use the plugin to build Your AMP. The following are some of the best AMP plugin for WordPress website.

AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

This plugin is a plugin all-in-one that will optimize your WordPress website to AMP. AMP for WP provide extension, support options, and extensive features so you can full featured. AMP for WP also has regular updates to fix the fix, adding features, and perform test system performance. This plugin is easy to use and has a reputation for reliable, responsive, and flexible.

AMP for WordPress

AMP AMP plugin is suggested for startups, blogs, editorial and website that uses WordPress. AMP is a plugin suitable for beginners and for those of you who are just beginning to learn the ways of optimization WordPress website to AMP. Unfortunately, the AMP is less suitable for heavier website.

Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP

Probably many of you are using Yoast SEO to help improve Your website SEO ranking. Well, now there is also a plugin from Yoast that can help you to build the AMP. This plugin acts as a liaison between SEO and Yoast AMP your WordPress website. With this plugin, users can benefit from the integration of SEO optimization and content of your WordPress website is mainly from the mobile. That way, your website could get a higher ranking in the search results page.


In the article this time, we have discussed about the AMP. Because of the significant relationship between the speed of the website, page views, and SEO ranking, AMP can help you to achieve high rankings in the search results page.

If you want to be able to build the AMP page quickly, you can use a plugin to help you out. In this article, we give you several options to best AMP plugin WordPress website. If any of you want to share your experience or have a question, you can leave a comment in the comments field at the bottom of this article.