
Sabtu, 01 Desember 2018, Desember 01, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-07T00:03:37Z

SEM and SEO: The Difference and Its Benefits

SEM and SEO: the difference and its benefits - SEO and SEM is indeed unfamiliar terms. For your business in the digital field, probably never heard those terms but less understood what the difference of the two.

The two terms are often used interchangeably, never worn simultaneously. When someone uses the term SEO, usually it does not expressly mention also the term SEM. solution? You need to read the article from us this time.

We'll start with the fundamental understanding that right in advance of each term. We will also mention what form its application so that you can gradually understand the difference of the two. Lastly, we will answer the big question You-that is, where the most good marketing techniques create website/your business.

Let's get started!

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEM and SEO: The Difference and Its Benefits
image source pexels.com
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which means optimization process against the website along with all its aspects (content, system, etc.) so that its ranking in search engines such a Google.

If you want to get more website visitors and can be more prospective customer potential, SEO is one of the main ways. How can that be? So, when a Google user searched for hp recommendations below 2 million for instance, she will type the keyword "hp under 2 million" and the results that appear on the first page will be accessible/readable. If you're lucky, it will read your article and intend to buy hp products at your place too (if you are an e-commerce website the seller hp).

What appears on the first page of Google search results is a page from the website has been fully optimized (through SEO). This is the importance of SEO, when almost all internet users rely on search engine giant, Google. SEO is actually a component of a larger category that is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) itself.

Law and an unwritten rule of SEO is indeed constantly changing along with the search engine algorithm changes itself from time to time. However, there is one aspect of SEO that remains consistent: On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. This is the core component of SEO. Understand more deeply both through the following list!
  • On-Page SEO includes:
Enter target keywords naturally into the title tag, headings, blog post meta description, etc.
  1. Spruce up the format of the URL of the page/page you.
  2. Optimize the speed of Your website page contains.
  3. Integrate social media sharing with your content.
  4. And many more other optimization activities that include On-Page SEO. We have created a special article be comprehensive guide about SEO On-Page. Learn more in the matter of On-Page SEO.
  • Off-Page SEO includes:
  1. Create high-quality backlink and place it naturally.
  2. Applying Local SEO.
  3. In addition, there is another activity of important Off-Page SEO. We have created a special article be comprehensive guide about Off-Page SEO. 

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM)?

SEM and SEO: The Difference and Its Benefits
image source pexels.com
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing which means a form of marketing on the internet through the website promotion activities by way of increasing the visibility of the website itself on the search results page search engines such a Google (SERP). SEM includes SEO tactics that we have previously discussed, and also a few other related marketing technique. These definitions are summarized from Wikipedia.

What components are included with SEM?

In addition to the optimization for search engines, SEM also include use of paid search as a component. What are some examples? Like a list of pay per click (PPC) ads and Google Ads. So mostly, its shape is campaigns (advertising) and PPC activities. Well if you are doing SEO, it also includes the efforts of SEM.

So, what is the difference between SEO and SEM?

SEO increases the number of website visitors by making the web appeared in the highest ranking on the search results page in a search engine. The larger the scope of SEM, considered marketing on the internet that improve the visibility of the web through organic search engine results and also through advertising. So SEM SEO tactics and activities include/search engine marketing strategy in the other.

Well that's the main difference between the two terms is that search engine optimization (SEO) is simply a component of search engine marketing (SEM). As we have mentioned above, also previously SEM includes components of paid search PPC and even sort of also including the SMM (Social Media Marketing).

It is important to note that you should not use the term SEO and SEM simultaneously for a mean specifics. Why? Because even though they work side by side, they are not the same term. There is a hierarchy in there (the SEO part of SEM, SEM is not part of SEO, SEO is one of the strategies of SHEM).

Marketing tactics which is better, SEM or SEO?

SEM and SEO: The Difference and Its Benefits
image source pexels.com
Many marketer/marketing divisions at a business that is debating whether one is better than the other. As a representative of the Division of marketing, I would argue that organic SEO is the best approach. Why should I argue? As you can see, the real SEM cannot successfully smooth without using organic SEO tactics.

You may be tempted to do Black Hat SEO techniques, the results can be instant but the impact is much less risk of penalties from Google that you can receive could be also destroy what you wake up in a moment only.

In addition, there are indeed many situations/cases where PPC (one of the components of the SEM) makes more sense than SEO. For example, if you first launched a website and you want to immediately increase the visibility for users of the internet out there, yes logically more quickly and effectively to create a PPC campaign. Why? Because this campaign takes less than the activity SEO (the results of which could appear briefly).

However, although organic SEO requires more time to show results, ultimately will be cheaper if you can develop the credibility of your website in search engines (this can not build credibility you create with some kind of PPC campaigns)
So, how do dong? Both are run hand in hand. Both are equally important. However, the subject of time which started first, it is important to evaluate your specific needs. However, once again make sure to fully understand the difference in the two related targets/interests You and find out what you can afford to sustain your efforts on that.


By reading this article, you've got fundamental info reserved SEM and SEO along with the difference of the two. We are committed to help your success online. Don't forget subscribe and visit our blog continues to have various other informative articles related website development and business in the digital era. Congratulations, good luck!