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Last Updated 2019-03-07T23:03:50Z

10 Ways To Avoid Scams Online Store, Beware Of Cheats

10 ways to Avoid Scams Online store, beware of Cheats - How to Avoid Scams Online stores – online transactions have become a trend in Indonesia, especially in urban communities. With the variety of its convenience, online shopping process makes us easier to search for various purposes. If you want to buy a product that is needed, we just simply open your laptop or smartphone are connected to the internet then the search process and the purchase of goods that we want will be very easy.

Although currently many online transactions are conducted by modern society in Indonesia, but it turns out that there are still many who are having deceived by persons who are not responsible online store. The number of loss experienced by those who are fooled any time is quite large, there is even a tricked up to dozen of million dollars from the purchase of goods on the internet. You certainly don't want to experience this.

Then how how to avoid scams online stores and what we can do to anticipate this?

We can prevent the occurrence of fraud in a way always wary when want to transact with anyone via the internet, even with people who have been dealing with You though. We recommend that you always shop in the online store or someone who has proven to have a trusted reputation. And for those of you who frequently use credit cards when making online transactions, be wary of giving your credit card information to other people.
10 Ways To Avoid Scams Online Store, Beware Of Cheats
image source pexels.com

1. Don't be Tempted by Cheap prices

The mode is often done by persons online fraudsters shop owners are selling the good stuff at low prices. Often the rates they offer are very far from the normal price in the market. When you find a person or online stores that sell goods with very cheap price, then you must be alert and do not get stripped.

Compare prices of items with multiple online stores that were already quite famous is one way of avoiding scams online stores that may occur. If it costs a few far enough, then it should undo the intention to purchase goods from the online store. In addition, you can also check out an online store by going to the website PolisiOnline.com.

This site helps verify the online store, and all the online stores who are already registered on the site PolisiOnline.com certainly not shop online fraudsters.

2. Save the Transfer/transaction Evidence properly

Every time you make a transaction or transfer the cost of the purchase at an online store, make sure to always keep a proof of the transaction/transfer, be it via message or to print out. Do not throw away the evidence of such transactions until the item that you purchased has been up to in your House with good condition.

This transaction required proof if at any time the seller asking for proof of the transfer that we do. This often occurs when the seller receives a great many order so must verify in advance. If you become a victim of fraud, evidence of the transaction/transfer also you can use to report the scammers to authorities.

3. don't get hung up on Testimonials

Many people assume that all the testimonials that are in an online store is the original review of the buyer. It turns out that this assumption is not entirely correct. In fact, there are countless unscrupulous fraudsters online store that lists of false testimony in their websites to fool potential victims of them.

Already a countless multitude of people who fall asleep with a testimonial that is on a website. The fraudsters exploit innocence prospective buyers, but the testimonials are fake made by a plurality of scammers to lure prospective buyers to instantly perform transactions. Beware!

4. Ask for a photo of the original goods to be Purchased

There are many tricks that do fraudsters to take advantage of you, one of which is by way of sending goods which do not comply with that you buy. Such fraud cases already occurs a couple of time, there are scammers that send empty cardboard or contains a stone to the buyer. You certainly don't want to experience this.

How to avoid scams online stores like this, it's good you ask for a recent photo of the goods who would like to purchase. Ask for a photo of the item more than one to make sure the seller actually owns the item.

Perhaps the fraudsters will send old photos that come from another source, you can check the picture has it been uploaded before. The trick is to upload the photo to Google.

5. The option of COD (Cash on Delivery) is better

This is one way to prevent scams on the internet that are quite effective. When will buy certain goods, we recommend that you always choose the COD option to minimize the occurrence of fraud.

If the dealer turns out does not offer the option of COD, you can choose another way; for example wear a third party service. If the seller does not want to wear the services of third parties, you should undo the intention to purchase goods from the online store.

The purpose of the COD is so that we can see and check directly the goods are sold. You certainly don't want to sent items damaged or cardboard boxes containing a stone. That is why the COD option is highly recommended when want to shopping from sellers on the internet.
10 Ways To Avoid Scams Online Store, Beware Of Cheats
image source pexels.com

6. Utilize the services of third parties

As mentioned in point 5, the option of using the services of a third party's highly recommended when you or the seller could not have transaction COD. These third-party services is a shared account, or often called with Rekber.

The Rekber service will keep the process such transaction be safer. This service is typically used by the seller and the buyer does not want to be fooled. However, to use the services of Rekber will be charged in the specified amount.

The process of using the service Rekber is pretty easy. You as the buyer will transfer some money to the owner of the service Rekber the price of purchased items. The money is on hold until the goods you buy up to your home in good condition. Upon receipt by the buyer, the money in the Rekber will be transferred to the seller.

7. Always ask for and store your delivery receipt Number

For those of you who frequent online transactions, would have been familiar with the delivery receipt. This delivery receipt number is the unique number of the proof of delivery of the goods you purchase. This receipt number is given by the service delivery of the goods to the expedition the seller every time you want to send the goods to the customers.

Any number of Sage is definitely unique and nothing is the same. You can also use these receipt number to check the process of delivery of the goods that you buy already up where. The buyer reserves the right to ask for the receipt number, receipt number, ask therefore delivery of the goods from the seller.

If the seller won't give me the number to the delivery receipt of the goods, or reasoned couldn't give it away, then you ought to be suspect him.

8. Ask for Recommendations from other people

If you've never shopped online, we recommend that you ask for recommendations from others, such as relatives or friends who are already often perform online transactions. They will give you a few recommendations of trusted online store based on his experience.

Indeed this 8 point does not guarantee Your transaction process will always be smooth. But will at least minimize the fraud that can happen to you. Request a recommendation doesn't mean you have to follow the recommendations of others, but as material input and consideration in conducting online transactions.

9. Ask for Bank account numbers are different

When you are going to trade with someone or an online store, make sure that person has several account numbers with the same name. For example, the seller account Independently, there is no harm in You also ask Paypal account numbers or other Bank accounts. When the person gives to another bank account number but a different name, then you should be suspicious.
After asking several different account numbers, check the account number are never commit fraud. The trick is to type in the account number and also the name of the account owner on Google. When the account number once they commit fraud, stop the transaction process from that person.

10. Prevent Fraud via credit card

Lastly, how to avoid scams online stores for those credit card owners and often Transact online is to maintain the security of your credit card as best as possible.
Advances in technology that provides a lot of convenience to us also diiringin with the threat of danger of fraud. If you are a user of the credit card and frequent conduct transactions online, then you must be vigilant with various modes of fraud this time.

There are some you can do to prevent fraud via credit card:
  • Be wary of emails that you read
Your credit card data is information that is very sensitive and should not be known by anyone else. There are various ways to get that information, one of them is with the incoming email in your inbox. Don't haphazardly click a link in your email, it could be that link leads to a phishing site. Never give your credit card information through email, and ignore any emails requesting the data.
  • Be vigilant when applying to a site
At one time anywhere you might find an interesting site and would like to register to the site. Be careful whenever you fill out the information on a site, when the site asks for your credit card information then you should undo the intention to sign up to the site because it is very risky. By entering your credit card data, then most likely the owner of the site can access your credit card account and use it.
  • Increase Alertness In The Transaction
Thus the information on how to avoid scams online stores that you can apply. Users of the internet and Smartphones technologist in Indonesia has increased very rapidly. But not yet supported by the vigilance of its users. It's what makes most people have fooled when transacting online.

No matter You as a seller or as a buyer, you are obligated to follow up with a fraud alert online languid and with growing fraud mode. Thus how to avoid scams online stores that you can apply.