
Minggu, 25 November 2018, November 25, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-07T23:03:50Z

5 Online Selling Style Impressed Some Cheap and Must Avoid

5 Online Selling Style Impressed some cheap and Must Avoid - Building a business online selling is an activity that is so much fun because you don't have to get to work too tired and open a store or driving around while carrying merchandise to offer to prospective buyers. Enough to work with any computer or Smartphone devices plus the support network you can offer goods via online more easily.

By relying on product photos, videos, or text as the description of the products ' fresh ' with skill #internet marketing, hundreds and even thousands of any products sold via the internet with a short tempo. So you don't have to wonder if there is someone that works at home alone but he could have a lot of money, this is thanks to the activity of online trading.

But then a problem was, the number of online merchants who more and more are making competition increasingly tight. This made some online sellers eventually became vain in marketing its products. The action of these online businessmen even have entered the category of annoying others and simultaneously making his memorable online store cheap. love rush, begging to be purchased the companionship.

Make sure you're not doing embarrassing things like that because a good seller is the seller who was able to keep my attitude as he sells even though it is not face to face. The following are 5 online selling style impressed some cheap and You should not do:
5 Online Selling Style Impressed Some Cheap and Must Avoid
image source pexels.com

1. Selling via Instagram Comments

Instagram became one of #media based social images that are ' booming ' at this time. Inevitably the more users and more and more the merchants who sign up online. Uniquely in Indonesia online merchants who sell via Instagram many are ' nonsense '.

Read also : How to Get Started Being a Blogger in Order to Make Money (Beginner).

How does when a famous artist post photos on Instagram, appeared many sellers that offer merchandise through the comment feature. Really not connected and memorable. If you are indeed often do this trick, how does this kind of marketing is effective? Or on the contrary, worsen the image of your business?

2. Post a comment containing the promotion in the forums

On popular forums that has many members, often posting that contains a business promotion or Palm of your merchandise but not connected with the content of the thread. When you've done this, surely it is quite embarrassing and even dropped the good name of your online store.

The deeds of this kind often got the decisive action of the administrator of the online forums, be deleted his postings or even the seller accounts banned. Usually in online forums have a special category for selling or business promotion, so don't be vain to post Your wares in the forum, let alone through a comment on someone else's thread.

3. Making too many posts or Threads in the same

For the sake of getting consumers many sellers online that is finally try the actual way less orderly i.e. reproduce the posting or thread both through online forums, and social media. Especially in buying and selling forum if you post some store with the same name or the same product means you don't respect other sellers who also wanted to utilize the facilities of the forum.

He thought the more threads that are created will be increasingly great opportunity get consumers. Remember that online consumers prefer stalking first, check the prices and quality of products from some sellers to compare which is better. If a thread appears only in your possession then the consumers can only get annoyed and close.

4. Promotion makes full Facebook Homepage

Have you ever encountered an online seller who so rough, rough in post status of promotion as well as upload pictures on Facebook. Once a few minutes almost always appear, making the postings of others drowned because too many best-sellers the posting.

Maybe you should remove the friendship because even interfere with privacy. How to sell that memorable cheesy and ineffective. Read also : Why Creative Agency is important to every business? This Is The Reason.

5. Hashtag which is not in accordance with product specifications

When I was looking for a keyword with hashtag #namikizen on Instagram, which somehow showed up turned out to be an awful lot of search results that have nothing to do with Katy Perry. I see an awful lot of the actual merchandise products were not being sought and made me uncomfortable.

Actually there is no ban on using such hashtag, but consider whether the effective way or even impressed the Bimbo? Online marketing tricks of this kind often used in social media that features a search through keywords with hashtag, e.g. Instagram and Twitter. In my opinion this includes SPAM.