
Kamis, 08 November 2018, November 08, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-09T01:15:52Z

9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer


9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional WriterTips on creating dozens of articles in a day – as a blogger, we are required to produce a quality writing and informative to the reader. If possible, we should also emulate the techniques of writing like a professional writer so readers are happy with our writing.

However, it takes a certain level of consistency and productivity in order to arrive at that point. But if we're already accustomed, then create dozens of articles a day would be very easy. Experience in the field of literature and writing also strongly influenced the number of articles that can be produced in a day.

We might never have imagined how a professional writer is able to create dozens of articles in a very short time. Habits, the experience, the number of vocabulary and passion of the author also influences the quantity of articles that will be generated.

More and more of his insights and experiences in the world of writing, the many articles that can be generated in the now. To complete the 10 quality article we normally will takes days. If the pun could in a day, the quality is certainly will not be as good as your expectations.

read too : 

Article you can just create a very shallow, only 200 words only. It's certainly less utilitarian and, given the quality of the article contains information weighted with more words.
Many practitioners of SEO and content writer who suggested to make information-rich than the shallow content.

Well up to this point, you might be wondering how someone could make dozens of quality articles in a day. If you want to find out how, visit some of the following tips.

Create dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer
9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer
image source pixabay.com

1. Tips Fields Wrote

Love the writing field is actually becoming the main Foundation so that you can create dozens of articles in a day. If you don't like to write, then there will be a feeling of being lazy and not passionate.

As hard as any effort you have done the result surely will not be the maximum.
Unlike if you like writing, plus a touch of hard work and a spirit of high learning you can produce writings like a professional.

The power of imagination and kreatifitasmu will also increase as we get older the experience that you have.

If you once were indeed less love to write, try to write things that you like in advance. For example, telling the daily experience that impressed cute and deserves to be remembered.
Write to best suit your language alone, do not follow other people's language style.
That's some trick to create dozens of articles in a day that you can try. Actually there are no special tricks or special for this.

With getting used to write seriously no matter Your skill level will grow by itself. Hopefully the information in the above content writing techniques can be helpful and useful references.
9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer
image source pixabay.com

2. Instill a Mindset of responsibility

Not just worship only requiring intention, make a content also must be accompanied by a mature intentions.

Try to instill a mindset that the content be made already a responsibility that has to be done every day.
Never delay to make it, try to always complete the content that you are targeting.
Not just worship only needs intent, writing any intention. Without intention, you will not be able to write with ease.

Try to instill a mindset and way of thinking that makes the article's already a responsibility on you.
Do every day without stopping and never ever to procrastinate. If you have a direct inspiration, write course and finish!
9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer
image source pixabay.com

3. finding a variety of Reference

Write quality articles will surely require insights from the author. The more extensive of his insights, easy to write it. Especially when the author mastered the writing topic, surely the article will be quickly completed.
9 Tips to make dozens of articles in a day like a Professional Writer
image source pixabay.com

4. Add the treasuries the vocabulary

Does not vary much with the previous points, you must also upgrade the vocabulary that you have. This sort of thing will be memudahkanmu when writing the content later, like words that could come out by itself from your head.

You need to practice as much as possible to increase your vocabulary that you have. Frequently read books, magazines or articles of quality on the internet so that you can absorb a lot more vocabulary.
tips for making dozens of articles a day
image source pixabay.com

5. Discuss a topic that is highly preferred or Controlled

Create dozens of articles in a day will seem easier if writing things that we like. Perhaps many underestimate this, when actually write things that we like will greatly support the writing of the article.

If we enthusiastically to a thing, the various ideas and inspiration will flow automatically in our heads. This of course will make it easier for an author to make an article every day. Passion and enthusiasm levels will also be higher because she writes what he likes and Ahold.
tips for making dozens of articles a day
image source pixabay.com

6. Ignore Content techniques

Create dozens of articles in a day is actually not have to think about the technique of making content njlimet such as SEO techniques.

This sort of thing must you override first so as not to hinder the process of content creation. In addition to fast, override njlimet techniques will also make it easier for the brain to make the plot more content flows.

Don't be too busy thinking about the large number of keywords, keyword anchor text diversity, or what it is. Which should take precedence in advance is how your article could be done quickly without compromising quality.

If it points to the importance of it is finished, you may develop new things that this kind of more technical so that tulisanmu is getting nice and weighted.
tips for making dozens of articles a day
image source pixabay.com

7. Hone the Skill of typing Fast

To produce dozens of articles each day, a writer must have fast fingers in typing.
If not sooner then the deadline can not be completed on time. Try to always honing this skill every day until you get used to.

If at this time you are still typing with 11 fingers, then it's time you switch type with 10 fingers only. Memorize the position of the keyboard buttons so that you don't get confused again specify keys for writing.

The more you memorized and are accustomed to this, guaranteed mengetikmu skill will increase rapidly up to 180 degrees. You can also check out how fast you write every minute of it through the following sites.
tips for making dozens of articles a day
image source pixabay.com

8. Continue to add to the experience of writing

A writer skilled certainly thanks to his habit of writing, whether any of it. Someone who focused on what would normally be preferred a chance to more successful than the average person. For practice, try to write at least one article every day. Do this up to 1 week ahead and then evaluate what needs fixing. Next week add frequency to 2, so on.

Do this exercise with consistent without ever absent once did. Undoubtedly in a few months you can already feel the difference.

The more often you write content, then indirectly the quality of tulisanmu would also by itself.
If you are able to focus up to 10,000 hours, guaranteed menulismu skills will be much better. If so, maybe you could write a quality article in just over 30 minutes.
tips for making dozens of articles a day
image source pixabay.com

9. Create a Target with a Mature

Last, create a target with a mature and detail. He'd like it as what and when to be achieved. If there is no clear planning, we usually will fail and miss the focus direction. By having a clear and targeted planning, you get more excitement than the action days usually. Simple example like this:

  • Start exercise (1/day): 1 February 2018
  • Exercise phase II (3 pages/day): 1 March 2018
  • Exercise phase III (5 articles/day): 1 April 2018
  • Exercise phase IV (7 pages/day): 1 August 2018

It is indeed quite heavy, but if it's done actually might be. As the adage says, something big starts from the first step. So, if you want to make 10 quality articles every day then try to write 1 article per day in advance. If it was used, go to the next level and so on.

Well maybe it was just some tips on creating dozens of articles in a day you need to know. As writers, we are required to produce writings that are beneficial to the reader. In addition, it's only natural we could make ourselves be growing constantly honing our writing skills.

To be honest, I haven't been able to produce quality in dozens of articles now. I could write about 2-3 articles each day by the number of words about 1000-2000 each article.https://ssl.microsofttranslator.com/static/25682789/img/tooltip_logo.gifhttps://ssl.microsofttranslator.com/static/25682789/img/tooltip_close.gif
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