
Kamis, 29 November 2018, November 29, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-07T00:03:36Z

The Cause Of The Missing Blog Post Article Does Not Show Up In SERP

The cause of the missing Blog Post Article does not show up in SERP - The cause of the Missing Blog Postings and Articles not found on Google searches-one of which being a blogger is vaunted as the blog postings appear best placed search results (SERP) search engine google, bing, yahoo and his friends , the article could appear on the first page of the search engines due to factors that are considered a blog article that deserves to occupy that position.
The Cause Of The Missing Blog Post Article Does Not Show Up In SERP
image source pexels.com
For the google search engine also known as the factors of 200 + google ranking factors, if the article of our blog or site is considered meet the factors contained in the google ranking factors, then it can be ascertained or blog article title chances the site could be second in first order of google's search engine will be the better, to make the blog appears in google searches in order of best of course is not as easy as it turned over your Palm, it is necessary the presence of a particular effort so that not just the blog article occupied the order of best search engine but as much as possible can survive long periods in the best order.

Not a few of the bloggers who have complained of his blog post Article does not show up in a google search, there are also experiencing articles blog posts disappear suddenly from the serp, whereas before that article there is even ranked the best search engines.

Article blog posting does not show up in the search page suddenly of course there are the cause and if left will impact badly on a blog that you have moreover the blog is a blog that you set as the main source of income from the Internet, if it still could be left so your income will continue to deteriorate over time, will certainly be very detrimental.

Actually there are several reasons that can cause the article posting blog or website suddenly disappeared and does not appear in the search results, SERP search engine or a blog article could not be found at all generated google search, some of the among them are the following:
The Cause Of The Missing Blog Post Article Does Not Show Up In SERP
image source pexels.com

1. The Blog is still relatively new and not yet in the index by google

If what you're experiencing is, blog in google search results don't appear, so your blog is still very new, and google have yet to index your blog, to make the blog can be found in the search engines, your blog must have the index, the blog index usually requires time, it might even be able to a week duration depending on your efforts.

If you try to introduce your blog to search engines with the recommended ways google, your blog will be easy to in the index your blog, but if you leave it for what it is, google will take a long time to recognize the structure of your blog, even if it is left as-is with no maximum maintenance in the end google will index blog, if the blog index already then most likely the blog article or blog can show up in SERP search engine search results.

So don't be surprised if your blog is new then you could not find your article title in the search results may be articles you haven't index or maybe also your blog in the index yet, to find out if your blog is already index or not you can check in the search with the search command site: name_your_blog. blogspot. com, if generated blog search and the title of your blog article appears, it signifies the blog and article already in the index with google. 

2. The substantial effect of Google Honeymoon

The cause of the web blog search search engine is missing from the next is, endless google honeymoon effect for your blog, it could be that your blog was initially exposed to the effects of google or the google honeymoon honeymoon.

Google honeymoon is the term used for a new blog article suddenly occupy the best positions google search results but made no attempt of any kind, you need to know google honeymoon usually appear to be blog-the blog is still new, the effect of articles published by the new blog can occupy the best positions of the search results, but will not last long.

If the effect is out of stock then the blog articles are usually not able to survive in the previous position, if you ever experienced such a thing, that is your new blog with some articles in it suddenly was able to appear in google search results position best of the SERP, then the hose a few days posting the article title you are missing without a trace somewhere where, should you not have shocked too, it could be the google honeymoon effect for your blog article is up, so the position of your blog article free fall to order back.

3. Your Blog contains a Virus

The next cause of the blog does not appear in the google serp is, your blog could be a malicious virus, Google is the most popular search engine in the world, the technology can detect viruses or the like contained in a blog, if found then the his reputation blog will get worse as a result of the blog containing a virus will disappear from google search results.

Blog or such viruses can enter the blog because of our activity are less carefully, like for example, installing a particular widget that already incorporated the virus code, or replace code-specific template that already contain the seed virus, which in the end your blog will continue to incorporated the virus and would be bad in search results therefore we always caution when involving 3rd party facilities tool or 3 Although the nature of the premium, because based on information not a few of the bloggers experience like that.

4. Blog exposed Google Penalty

The cause of the articles do not appear in the next search is, the blog that you have can be so affected by a google penalty, the penalty is usually aimed at blogs or blogging activity that violates google's rules and policies, there are some cases a blog exposed penalty include:

a. Activity you do to your blog google web spam, consequently trigger the article google dideindex can even be exposed to the google sandbox so that blog article are unwilling to appear, this search generated can happen due to your actions.

One example for example, when you build backlinks with not good, it means in a short time and are often built with the number of backlinks that very many, if what you do like it, it is advisable to immediately stop it because gradually can trigger google web spam, and ultimately not profit you get even you'll be considered a spammer in effect your blog exposed penalty, hard to find its greatest risk even search engine blog you can delete from the the circulation of the virtual world.

b. Cheating-cheating is intended so that the blog can appear in the owned the first page in the best position, but did not pay attention to the rules of play which has been set up, suppose do planting too many keywords in the article.

When users read it at all can not be understood, or hides keyword-keyword in large quantities so as not to be visible, and other illegal activities with the sole purpose of targeting or deceive search engines, google increasingly the more intelligent, such activities will ultimately be caught so that the articles do not appear in searches, even disappear.
The Cause Of The Missing Blog Post Article Does Not Show Up In SERP
image source pexels.com

5. Your Blog article compete with other blog articles

The reason the blog does not appear in the search results is another blog article you compete with other blog articles, you know, definitely not a little article with the same topic has more than one competitor, the more blogs that share topic other then the one with the same level of competition for the title of the article with the topic will be higher.

If your blog article compete then that article would be difficult to occupy the best positions in the search results, so that blog article could winning the competition then you should involve seo optimization for the article be it seo optimization on-page as well as optimization seo off-page. the better the optimization you do then the chance of the article could beat the competition will be the better. 

6. Title your blog article aiming for seasonal keywords

Article titles with keywords aiming seasonal indeed quite effective when that topic is being hotly discussed, and does not cover the possibility of your articles will often be found and get a good view of the page, but you should also know the more popular a keyword then the competition will increase as time goes on, it could be the sites that are already popular enough and got the best reputation from search engines come into play also are aiming for the same keywords, certain blogs you can so could not compete and ultimately your blog article with the topic moved to the position of the back and it will be hard to find.

Seasonal topics usually will get dimmer over time, let alone the topic of agate, you could see early in the year 2015 agate once very popular and almost every corner of the city corner many people discussing about agate, as well as the ins and outs associated with agate, agate topic article would be very good if we use in the year 2015, but I am sure in the future will be more like this topic was not popular, and in the end the visitor of your blog will be increasingly shrinking.

7. Duplicate content because the coffee paste

One of the causes of the rank of your blog/site degenerate and disappear from the SERP is the existence of duplicate content, duplicate content which often happens is because your blog article copied paste raw and published by other bloggers without any modification to the title and the content of the article as a whole, if google finds a lot of cash equal to the posting article content belong to you, then gradually the reputation of your original content will ultimately soften blog articles will disappear and it is hard to be found in the search engine search results the SERP.

Be careful with the actions of the bloggers that duplicate your articles because the effect would be very bad for your blog article, if you find that your blog article on copy paste without permission and without a include a link to the original article active, more well soon you report to google DMCA.

Google until now is not very like Act anti-theft copyright on articles or copy paste, to fix the issue google itself provides a complaint form specifically, so if this happens to you, you should immediately report the to google DMCA take down, to be immediately dealt with by google.

8. The existence of a search engine algorithm changes

Google several times issued the search engine algorithms, the goal is to resolve matters relating to searches prove less effective and still deliver search results that are relevant to what he really wanted.

Change the algorithm can sometimes effect also to the search results, it could be your previous article there is best placed but due to the effects of the latest algorithm, your article can sometimes move back number could even disappear, if not in accordance with the procedures that the new google algorithm is played.

9. You change your Blog address.

The next one is you change the primary address for your blog, this is often done by bloggers who did not know what kind of effect will be, even without long thinking with a specific reason they make modifications to the blog's address, and change the blog address disruptive would be so wonderful, would mainly affect search results, let alone the previous blog already has a good reputation and is known well by search engines.

You need to know that the same blog address change means the blog will be a new blog again, will not be known to search engines, and it takes in the index returned by search engines, and this leads to every blog article title suddenly disappeared in the results Search.

Remember, if the age of the blog is long and every blog article is already very well known search engines, think again when you wish to change the primary address (domain name) blog, unless you indeed do our top top-level domain.

Actually there are still many other causes that led to your blog could be lost from the SERP, search results are what we must do is to always publish content that is devoted to the reader and not doing things that could be considered triggering google search engine penalties, if you always carefully the above could have been avoided, so your blog can be long and your blog article could survive in the best position in search results of search engines.

Such a simple article about the causes of lost posts and articles not found on google searches, may be useful.