
Minggu, 20 Januari 2019, Januari 20, 2019 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-18T10:07:42Z

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

15 SEO myths surrounding – Update 2019 - Are there any ways to improve traffic to 13.15 percent within just 30 days? You need to do is to create quality content that is supported by statistics and data, giving the solution surely for problems readers, blog postings and promote. This strategy is very basic but a way of SEO.

In fact conversion at search traffic better than social media traffic by up to 9 percent. But to get it you must stop believing some myths, and this time we will discuss in more detail about the myths surrounding SEO should not be followed by SEO experts.

SEO myths surrounding these tend prevent content marketers and bloggers to increase traffic and search rankings. Some SEO experts claimed that they are affiliated with Google. This is a great myth because Google does not disclose who their SEO partners and affiliates. So when a consultant or SEO Agency promising top rankings for a low price, it is a scam. No one can guarantee top rankings of Google. Without many words again, the following 17 SEO myth that you have to leave, there is also the tips and advice you need to follow.

1. SEO myths surrounding that One should not follow the SEO expert: Target keywords no longer relevant once Google Hummingbird.

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

Google Hummingbird change search system of the future. Hummingbird makes a content producer to adopt a new mindset that will benefit at the end user. When a keyword is still there on the first page of Google, this be an indication if the keywords are still important.

According to Matt Cutts, head of Google's WebSpam team, 90 percent of the search is estimated to be affected by a Hummingbird, which is not always updated like Panda and penguins, but the total changes in search algorithms. You can read our article about the Google penalty and Panda manual.

Rand Fishkin, co-founder of Moz, refers to less than 15 percent of the ranking is determined by the target keyword. He advised you to focus on the unique value of deals instead of unique content, which become what SEO try achieved before.

However, when you say that to target relevant keywords in your content is no longer usable at all. Research and keyword targeting is actually easier, because with Hummingbird, you don't have to worry about following the ratio of certain keywords. But focus on search intent seekers. For example, why would someone search for "CRM Software for small businesses"?
  • Whether one is looking to buy CRM software?
  • Does she like to read honest reviews?
  • Whether the Finder of a newbie who didn't know the length of CRM?
Changes to the algorithm into a Hummingbird emphasis for us about the importance of knowing the reasons behind certain keywords, and create content to meet those needs. This means keywords still holds an important role, because without it, you don't know intent searchers.

Some authority platform like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and others use target keywords in order to meet the needs of the user. It is almost impossible to find exactly what you are looking for, except by using keywords to search for it. Keywords like a compass to Your SEO campaign, keyword tells where You have to go and be a clue whether you progress or otherwise.

2. XML Site Map Will Increase Your Search Rankings

If you've installed Google XML Sitemaps generator on your WordPress website? A site map can boost your search rankings? You will not find XML sitemap as a factor affecting rankings on search. But XML sitemap is needed when you want to build a website crawl-able. Each time you create a new post or edit an existing post, the Google XML sitemap generator to create a sitemap that is renewed in accordance with your new page and send it to Google and other search engines.

Casey Henry experimented with the sitemap to see whether it could boost search rankings. And the results are quite surprising. When he installed the Google XML Sitemap generator on the web client, it takes an average of 14 minutes for Google to index new pages.

We now know that XML Sitemaps help search engines searching and indexing new pages more quickly. But will also improve search rankings? A sitemap does not affect the actual ranking of your web page. Sitemap such as help, guides that give more information about your site on Google, such as making sure if all your URL indexed for search. Sure, it can make your site more visible when the URL is prioritized, but this is not so in guarantees.

Tips for you, when you are not using Google XML Sitemap generator on your WordPress site, you need to install it now. There is no guarantee your ranking will go up but it will help Google find your new content faster.

3. Meta tags don't matter

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

Meta tag or meta tag so how the webmaster giving information about their site on a search engine. Meta tags can be used to give information to all clients and each system processes only the meta tags they understand and ignore others. Meta tag is added at the head of your HTML page.

Meta tags are HTML tags that appear between the opening and closing head tags. Meta tags are used for the definitive piece on the specific web page preview of the search results. There is much debate in the SEO world about the impact of the meta tag, especially after the Hummingbird. Danny Sullivan wrote an article about the "death of the meta tags" to discuss further meta tentangtag, and why the meta tag is no longer useful in SEO today.
There are 3 elements of the meta tag:
  • The title tag
  • Meta description
  • Keywords
The title tags appear in the head section of a web page, but does not become an element of the page. Meta Description and keywords, by contrast, is an optional page elements. Without the meta description, Google can pull the text from the body of the page as a preview piece.

Matt Cutts mentions Google doesn't use keyword meta tag in your page rank. But meta tags are still relevant, and reasonable when you spend time this meta tag. Add meta tags may not increase search rankings, but meta tags helps inform users and search engine information about your site. Meta tag also makes the search engines interested, which could then attract more clicks from users ' searches.

To create a rich meta description, use the following tips:
  • Create meta description into a form. Use keywords that are relevant to the article. Use a formula questions such as "who," "what," "why," "when," "where," and "how" as a formula that used journalists to make a report. This technique worked well when used to write the description.
  • Create unique meta. Each meta description should be different from the other page description.
  • Create meta description short. Google limit the description to 100 characters on mobile and 156 characters on your desktop.

4. use a Robots Meta Tag to specify indexed pages

Robots.txt file tells search engines which parts of the pages or links to be indexed and which are ignored. But you can easily set up text noindex and nofollow using Yoast or All in One SEO WordPress plugins. You just have to check the button noindex if you are sure you want to page so are private, not public.

So what this means if without the robot meta tag, Google will not find your new pages? Does not seem to be the case. You can use robots. txt file to block all web crawlers of all your content, folderspesifik, or particular web page. But if you do not want to block web crawlers, then no need to do. Save your time and distributes it to more important things.

5. Improve the rankings of Top Level Domains

Top level domain occupies the highest position in the hierarchy of the domain name system. Most users will recognize it with a .com extension as a website, but they sometimes confused when finding. biz or teacher. This is because when you type the keyword phrase into a search engine, 98 percent of search results is the domain name. com. In terms of conversion, domain. com has achieved extraordinary results for many people. In 2007, before an update on the Google algorithm, ICANN introduced the generic top level domain names of the new teachers are like.,.,.,. company email.

Alexandros Ntoulas alongside his team find if the top level domain so the main scapegoat web spam. Their research showed if domain.biz,.us, and is the largest propogator. com to spam web. And this includes the links that Google uses to rank web pages in their search engine.

Whether the new top level domain affect SEO? Matt Cutts from Google has stated if the new top level domain has no benefits on the domain that has been there, but it is not yet clear whether the keywords in a new domain extension will act as a signal for ranking.

Exact match domain is no longer strong without another signal that supports it, and the possibility of Goole will lower the volume on some of the new top-level domains or treat it like a sub-domain in terms of the power rankings. In other words, the top level domain may have a value which is nice, but don't expect more.

The main factors are top level domain has an impact on SEO is if the domain contains keywords. Obviously, the names of the exact match domain is at risk exposed to the penalty.

Now you know if when selecting a top level domain, so consideration is long-term benefits when you register a domain name that is easy to remember and professional.

If you do not register any domain name, you should select a top level domain names such as .com .net's dna. But if you are already a site owner, decide to focus offers more value, creating high-quality content, and using social media to connect the influencers who will help promote your content. There is also a strange domain names but good in the search, even entered the rankings for the keyword volume with tight competition. This is clearly demonstrated when this is no longer about the top level domain extension, but the value of the deals your site. 

6. Include Target keywords in Anchor Text are no longer a problem in SEO

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

When building links, do you need to use the keywords in the anchor text?

Anchor text is the text you can click in the on-link. When clicked, this phrase brings users to a website or blog. Many experts in the industry believes if the anchor text will remain so ranking factors forever, no matter what changes happen next on Google updates.

So what is the anchor text contains your keywords still helps improve your rankings? The goal of each update or change of the algorithm is to help seekers find the right site containing the information they are looking for, in a way that is friendly to users.

Excessive optimization can make you get a penalty from Google. Before Google Penguin, you can use the anchor text contains your keywords on the blog postings, for both internal links and external links, such as links to other sites. But there are a few changes now. Sure, contextual links that have 5 to 10 times the power ranking than the usual author profile link that appears in a guest post, for example. But the use of anchor text contains the keyword overload will negatively affect your site's ranking. Cross linking with lots of anchor text is also the same risk, so you should avoid it.

However, it is inaccurate when said anchor text containing the keyword is no longer relevant in the search rankings. In other words, this is a myth. Now change your approach. Vary Your anchor text and make sure that the primary and secondary keywords, as well as the name brand, URL, and keyword generic is used as the anchor text.

It would be nice if You build links naturally, as it is desirable. You're not smarter than the engineers who worked to make the algorithm so smarter. So stay away from Google's radar and avoid penalties. After the update of the Penguin, most sites that optimize anchor text exposed to penalties. Instead, sites vary the anchor text experienced increased ratings, and only a few are affected negatively.

There are several types of anchor text that you can use but try it first and decide which one is most appropriate for you. First, understand the if brand building is the easiest way to remain positive in the eyes of Google. So you can follow the following anchor text strategy. There are 3 types of anchor text you need to focus on:
  • Natural anchor text, can be a keyword, name brand, URL, but should flow naturally together with the contents of your content. This will have an impact on your rankings. Matt Cutts have done a natural anchor text has long and successful because of Google's main goal is to create the best search experience for its users.
  • The anchor text in the form of a brand name or URL of the brand. When you can build more brand name form of anchor text or URL, you will be fine. Targeting anchor text brand around 90 per cent of your link. For example, "NerdFitness is an authority site for the actuator."There are thousands of keywords that authors can use to build links, but not done. Instead, most of the anchor text leading on its own page, either the name of the brand and URL. Smart Passive Income also have more brand anchor text and URL.
Of course you can't control the anchor text that other people use to create a link a link to your web page but when there is an opportunity, either through the guest blogging or interview, avoid keyword rich anchor text. Or better use name brand + keywords for example, Brian Dean's Link Building. You can also use the URL as the anchor text of a brand.
  • Generic anchor text, do not use too much, because it will be excessive optimization.
According to the supervisor engine, more than half the number of anchor text has one to three words. This means that when using the generic keyword, you must change from one word into three or more words, such as "learn more here," "visit these sites," "see the homepage," "starting today." At least 5 percent of the anchor text should be generic, especially when you create a link from or to pages that are not relevant.
For example, when it wants to make a reference to a web sports from your internet marketing blog, you can use the generic keyword. The following paragraphs so for example:

"When it started blogging, I made a mistake, until a friend from Canada, who founded web sports suggest me to refine my niche and focus on small groups that have potential.

In conclusion, the anchor text contains your keywords are still important, but use it wisely and approach vary as much as possible.

7. Google will find your new content and in the index

Crawl optimization is an important topic that will be discussed in depth. Crawl optimization refers to the things that you do to help Google find, browse, and indexing new content easily.

Search engines like to feed a new content. When your article is live, you're preparing a meal for him. But does that mean your new content will be searchable and indexed without Your input? Of course it could happen, but it took up to two days, especially if your blog is still new. To raise it, you have to help searchers find the content of the new you.

It's one of the benefits of installing the Google XML sitemap generator plugin for WordPress. You do not need to do anything further after setting his plugin. When you press the button "publish," new XML sitemap and delivered to the major search engines and directories. This helps Google indexes new content as soon as possible.

Renewing the social media profiles will make new content indexed faster. The trick is very simple, simply share the link on your Facebook page or Your Tweeter. Another simple way is the successful Pingomatic. This way makes you quickly tell web services about your new content. Use this free service to make your new content is indexed in 6 hours.

8. Use SEO Agency Services to be in the top ranks Quickly

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

This is so the most compelling myths. How can SEO agency or SEO experts ensure you are in the top rankings on Google? There are certainly many considerations why you need SEO Agency services, particularly for the keyword analysis and auditing are competitive. But ratings quickly instead of having one of the reason. Happens is Google handle more than 100milyar searches every month. Because no one can predict which SEO Keywords tomorrow, it is almost impossible for anyone to guarantee rapid search rankings.

After almost 8 years of writing a blog post first, a blogger gets more than 700,000 visits in one month. And has published a blog post 614 in that time. There are some other blogs with similar content cross reference, but did not attract much traffic every month. So evidence that several factors give impact on Google rankings, including time.

There are many ways to improve your rankings, especially through the keyword long tail, but this does not guarantee top rankings. SEO is a long term job. When the Andamerasa were able to enter the top 10 Google rankings overnight or a few months after starting a blog, you make a big mistake.

A domain name that has been aged, link authority, and interesting content, all can improve ranking, but it's not a guarantee, too. There are an awful lot of sites qualifies but still trying to enter a good ranking in Google search results.

When there are funds in your budget, there are several reasons it is appropriate to use the services of a SEO Agency:
  • You don't have time to take care of your site
  • You want to increase your search traffic
  • You need help for long tail keyword research
  • You want to always update in the SEO industry
  • You want to be trained by SEO Agency
But you don't need to hire an SEO agency that promises to give you top ranks quickly. When they happen to successfully create your site in the first position, without a solid foundation, your ranking will fall and you experience losses. To keep in mind, SEO is for long term the orientation of the digital entrepreneurs who are determined to help users find the answers they are looking for. Read our other article on how to increase sales that contains interesting tips for you.

9. Guest Blogging is dead

In the year 2014, Matt Cutts once said, "when you use the guest blogging as a way to get the links stop."A lot of SEO that don't understand for sure this statement quickly opposed the guest blogging.
So do guest blogging does not mean again? There are no technical differences between content and guest blogging other types of content. Guest blogging just means guests contribute in a content in your blog. Matt Cutts is spoken about bad content on a blog from the author. But even though the author is the owner of the site, update Google has Panda began to punish bad quality content.

Search engines index billions of web pages, starting from the domain name, IP address, location, and so on, and these web pages are owned by different people. Just imagine, the content on the site with high authority regularly contribute by the freelancers and writers outside. Sites like the New York Times, BusinessWeek, eHow, Inc., CNN, Mashable etc., all rely on the content that was written not by the owner of the site itself, but by hundreds of other people.

When talking about guest blogging, the problem is not living or its content, but its context, this type of article, its uniqueness, anchor text, and a link that leads to and from the site. Guest blogging is not yet dead and will not die also because Google cannot accurately read guest post, especially when the author link is right there in the body of the content, not on the author's profile.

One way to grow blog traffic up to 206 percent through guest blogging. Even Matt Cutts himself then endorse guest blogging. Guest blogging is still recommended as long as you follow the simple steps below:
  • Avoid the blog spam. If the blog does not have unique content, avoid.
  • Do not call the "guest posts". This is important because Google could find this text as a guest post. But write as if you are inside the House contributor. No matter where the origin of your guests, for posting useful.
  • Wake up the relationship, not the link. Do not create a guest post on the blog of trusted just because the link. If this is the way you think, you are mistaken.
  • Wake up your brand. Use name brand or your URL as the anchor text to build natural links.
  • Contextual links. Whenever possible, put the link in the content, not on the author profile will not give weight means.
  • Use guest blogging with care. Create content that makes them think it suit them and give solutions to their problems. Sweeten your audience, answer their comments, and wake up to your email list.

10. Research keywords are not required

As a content marketer and blogger, you can't ignore the keyword research. Google update does not remove the importance of keywords. This is a factor that is always there, you'll get more clicks when the web page appears on top. You should avoid is excessive and exaggerated optimization using the anchor text rich keyword.

Google's keyword tool so still planner keyword research that is most accurate. In addition to using Google's keyword planner to research your keywords, you can also check which keywords so the target competitor.

Keyword research is still very relevant. But to stay safe, focus on user intent behind search, not only is the key word.

11. Paid Search improve organic search results

What is the AdWords PPC help in organic ranking? It seems not. There is no clear correlation between organic and paid rankings ranking. Both have different functions. Organic search results are derived from the index database. Conversion rate of traffic at 35 percent actually paid advertising. This is higher than the organic traffic.

With paid ads, you can target more keywords and easy to test different campaigns. More importantly, you can strengthen your brand identity when Your paid ads appear at the top of the search rankings. Paid search can help filter out the keywords that you are targeting organically, through accurate data.
The level of click throughs on paid ads will give you a view of the best keywords to optimize organic search. So no doubt if paid search can help increase conversion rates of organic results, but does not help in the rankings.

12. Claims Google Listings will increase Search Traffic

Google places is the official business listings that include business phone number and address. Google local listing place claims is very important. You mean to tell Google to incorporate your business in the list in the area where you have the most number of customers or clients.

After filling out the form, you will be prompted to go through the verification process, by phone to verify Your pin number. But simply register your business on Google local will not increase search rankings. 

Some things you need to do to get the ranking you want is:
  • Stay consistent. Google or Bing didn't like the inconsistency. In other words, you should not change the name of the business later in the day, back to Google local, entry lists, and in the next few months changed the other. In order to remain consistent, use the same detail as you do in guest blogging, social media profile, and all websites are showing you.
  • Local coverage. Ask the other person to talk about your listing. Have them give a link to the page of your local listing. You can always use Open Site Explorer from Moz to find who gave the link to your site, and gives notification to them about your business listing.

There are 5 ways to improve your local search rankings:
  • Claim local listings
  • Claims social media sites
  • Add contact info on your website
  • Update meta and title information
  • Get the review online

13. Google don't like blackhat link building

What many refer to as blackhat SEO is actually not the case. In fact, most of what you are doing that seem to disguise as a blackhat is whitehat. Google has the best definition, top SEO practices, and guidelines you need to follow for your site. Here are a few techniques that you should avoid:
  • Generated content automatically
  • Participate in link schemes
  • Create a page with little or no original content
  • Cloaking
  • Text or hidden links
  • Doorway pages
  • Bad content
  • Participation in the affiliate program without adding sufficient value
  • Enter a page with irrelevant keywords
  • Creating pages with behaviors such as phishing, or installing viruses, trojan
  • Send automatic query to Google.
A lot of people thought left a comment on a blog is a blackhat SEO techniques, but this is not true. The question that needs to be asked is, what is the value of your comments on the site? What is the added value or just looking for a link? When not adding value, then it's blackhat techniques included.

Did you know most people use guest blogging in the wrong way? This entry also blackhat. SEO practices of any kind are not centered on the user's point of view is blackhat.

Whitehat SEO practices take time to show results. Buying links is not recommended because Google considers it a blackhat techniques. But when the link is beneficial to users, is this allowed? Of course. The goal of Google is giving users search the right information so they will come back again to do another search. This is how Google gets the money, because its ads will be slowly click.

So the practice of whitehat SEO is all related to user experience and Google loves it. For example, social media marketing is whitehat, but scheming, social media by trying the search rankings with manipulate got as many people to mention, tweet, and share links to social media is blackhat.
Google doesn't hate the trains but not like what was done on the platform. WordPress blog is a great platform but what happens there could whitehat or blackhat.

14. Long Form Content = top rankings

15 SEO Myths Surrounding – Update 2019

Long shaped content can improve ranking, but it's not as simple as that. There are several factors that contribute to high-quality sites. To get ranked in Google at the time of the Hummingbird, the focus on user intent and gaining editorial links.

Consider the length of the content is worthwhile. But the fact that most articles long not so valuable to the user. You need to ask is whether the content pages have important values than any other page in the search results?

Long-form content is indeed the entry ranking, but not in the first position. In conclusion, the long form content can increase your ranking, but you have to pay attention, do not write content that's ugly. You cannot write content with a length of 2000 words and expect ratings or conversion increases. You have to write a very good content. Good content will get tweets, links, conversion, and high rankings.

15. Links to authority sites Make Organic Visitors Away

To be sure, give a link to another blog will keeps visitors away. But a few popular sites become successful because they always give a link to the other. But as long as your content is useful, it can be practiced, persuasive, and deep, although the reader to click on a link and go, they'll be back.

Many times we try to get links from authority sites such as CNN, Mashable, Business, InsiderBoingBoing, .gov, dan.edu because we know if links from these sites will increase search rankings. Every industry has an authority site. Apart from that, you can find a similar authority sites by visiting Similarsites.com. Type the URL of one authority site and search information.
In the same way, when you give a link to a Google-friendly site, especially pages that are relevant to the content you write, Google will browse your site and follow a link to a trusted site. Google will not be clearly stated if this improves your ranking, but rightly so in reality.

Follow these simple tips when giving link ket authority site to stay safe and to obtain a reward:
  • Give links from high-quality content pages
  • Give a link only when needed
  • Use name brand or site URL as the anchor text of your authority
  • Find the relevant page on the website of the authority and news links to it
  • When you can, give notification to the site owner or blogger when you give links to them (You can get natural links or tweets).
Read other blogs and learn from an experienced content marketers can help you find your passion and make a change. The Web is a dynamic platform and you need to be wise. Most of the advice out there comes from deep understanding of search engine optimization and how search engines work. 15 myths surrounding this SEO will help your site grow and find a better way to pamper Your target audience.