
Jumat, 09 November 2018, November 09, 2018 WIB
Last Updated 2019-03-09T01:15:52Z

4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors

4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors - Types of Blog content that many visitors – many of us who think content is King. The more good content, good results are also increasingly will be obtained. Every blogger and content creator would already know this.

The content seems to be making things looks to be real. With some types of blog content that qualified, many bloggers who have other skills like being a buzzer.

For online businessmen who play in copywriting and content marketing certainly are familiar with this concept. However, for online businesses ' gray ', will usually break the Protocol that had been created by the Google search engine.

There is always a trick to make blog content be 100% unique, copyscape and qualify trusted Google. This was prevalent and may have already become a culture.

If you belong to someone more steeped in the blogging world, there are some special rules that must be applied. If there are 5 objectives of all the content we publish.

Blog to bring new and unique visitor traffic.
  • Build relationships with readers
  • Educating the audience according to the style of our language
  • Show leadership and expertise we have as a blogger
  • Make money (this is the most desirable)
  • To achieve that goal, we certainly have to make careful planning and strategy. Those goals will not come by itself, all has to be fought in order to be successful.
However, we need to know that the blog content that is created will not be able to cover everything. We need to fight and be patient in building a blog that we always wanted.

We need to be consistent against what we are doing at the moment, because the majority of my readers love the consistency. They might like the way the writing style, language or content that is able to provide a solution to a problem. So, we need to make a good strategy is to fill our blog with the preferred content reader.

4 types of blog content that must be made by the blogger

4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors
image source pixabay.com

1. Evergreen Content (the content is Timeless)

All content writer may already be familiar with the term content is timeless. In the language of United Kingdom, Mark W Schaefer might call "evergreen" content. The intent of the timeless content is the content of this type can be very relevant and useful in any condition, wherever and whenever.

For example I post content in 2010, then this could still be useful and relevant to the conditions in the year 2017. The type of the content of this blog is able to answer the question of the universal and timeless nature of time.

If you want to have a steady traffic the next few years, then you have to make this content more. At the very least, create content as much as 24 evegreen content within one year.

This means that you need to update 2 times a month. More than that is certainly better, as long as the content is weighted and quality. His name is also a timeless content, then the amount of relatively large and competitive search. In General, this type of blog content more refers to keyword 2 to 4 Word instead of to the long tail.

Even though it will be sought after by many readers, being number one with keyword this is not easy. There must be a qualified SEO strategy in order to compete in this keyword and persist for some period.

For who likes to play the good SEO blackhat or whitehat, we still can do off-page optimization techniques and on-page. But for bloggers ' pure ', high quality content into its flagship.

With this quality content, the writing of a blogger ' pure ' could be a reference and automatically get backlinks. In the realm of blogging for business, the contents of the content can be evergreen collaborate with their experience in building project ever undertaken.

Because of this experience, the author is certainly able to understand more about each detail to reply to. Because it will be created a weighted the evergreen content and depth.
4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors
image source pixabay.com

2. Soul Content

I mean, this ' soul ' content more leaning gave rise to the characteristic of the writer behind a paper. It can build bonds inter personal that will engender trust between the writer and the reader.

If reading his writing, readers can become more enamored of what has been written. Types of blog content like this generally contains a series of words that could make a certain aura, it can also be called with personal branding.

To write content like this you really just follow the words heart and determine the value of what you want to write. That way, you can get the best blog content to be read by many audience. On a corporate blog, create soul content means restoring what it should be, that is the value/value of the company itself.

On a business blog (corporate), create content types this means restoring what should be prioritized, namely the value of the company itself. This could also be a certain characteristics as the identifiers to the reader.

For example, on the company's digital agency, rather than making technical content that makes the dizzy, sure much better if shed some light the creative process that occurs in every project the company.

Blog content like this can also attract many more visitors than we create content-the content weight is boring.
4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors
image source pixabay.com

3. Breakfast Content

Arguably so maybe because this content as we're rested. Desire like to eat food that is fresh, it smells delicious and we really like to eat it.

Same is the case with the breakfast content, we can tell a thing with the language and style of writing that we know. At least, the kind of content the blog like this might present a side of the ' human ' of the author.

This content will make readers stay interested even though it's corporate blog, for their beauty and their honesty in writing. Breakfast content could also be a distinction, if his writings are written with passion or just simply to reproduce the content of the blog.

This type of content should also be completely written by people who actually know about the subject, not written by a freelance writer who does not yet know the true topic considering.
4 types of Blog content that must be Owned in order to bring in more visitors
image source pixabay.com

4. Post-it Content

Do you know what is a post-it? Yes it is, which is usually yellow and rather pasted everywhere.

We also need different types of blog content like this. Short, light and to the point to a problem. This content also can fill almost the entirety of the content on your blog (60-70%) because he has a lightweight and easy to digest.

If the content type, this blog can be used as fields of information about latest news (up to date). Even though it does not make us become more unique blog with others, this content can maximize the number of articles in Google's index.

If many articles already indexed, then your blog traffic can be easier to arrive. However, if considering the form of news, then most likely will only be relevant for a few periods only.

Happy blogging!